Powerful Mind Podcast
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it"

About Me
Hi I am Andrew and I have Good mind! and I have the freedom of being young, and the Mind of most really smart people and that took a lot of reading and watching people speak.
Thinking up to the clouds
I think beyond the limits with Creativity and power, and using Intelligence for advantages of thinking
Power Future
I think Beyond the future and I think about what the world will be like in the future
Society awareness
I Think of Society and I think of ways to improve it, I Think of things people do and I talk about it
Present Mind
I think and discuss about things that are happening around the world at the current moment

Great Future Mind
I Think the future is right in front of me and I have the power to change the world one day but for now I am going to have this podcast to talk about all the cool things right now with Technology